
Sunshine Prevention Center on Long Island, New York provides a family-centered approach to provide prevention-focused education and support; to prevent or reduce substance abuse and violence; to empower youth to make healthy choices; to enrich creative expression through the arts; to build connections between families, schools and communities working together to build drug-free and violence-free communities. |
Sunshine Prevention Center Alternative Education and Prevention Center
Sunshine Prevention Center on Long Island, New York provides a family-centered approach to provide prevention-focused education and support; to prevent or reduce substance abuse and violence; to empower youth to make healthy choices; to enrich creative expression through the arts; to build connections between families, schools and communities working together to build drug-free and violence-free communities.
The thought that our children were being faced with so many more challenges (divorce, violence, substance abuse, peer pressures, bullies, teasing) was the motivation behind the founding of Sunshine in 1992. Sunshine Prevention Center is concerned about the social and emotional needs of all children and families. We provide innovative educational services that offer support and guidance.
The Sunshine Prevention Center's Mission:
- To provide prevention-focused education and support
- To prevent or reduce substance abuse and violence
- To empower youth to make healthy choices
- To enrich creative expression through the arts
- To build connections between families, schools and communities
Today Sunshine Prevention Center is a respected leader in the field of prevention. Our services utilize a variety of scientifically-based prevention models and strategies which provide support and education to families, schools and communities. All programs are designed to build self esteem and positive social skills, however each program has a specific focus and goal.
Sunshine Prevention Center provides a family-centered approach to prevention. We believe it is important to treat the whole family system in the growth and learning process. A child will thrive much more when the parent/guardians are working along side them to strengthen the family. Sunshine believes that "the arts" are a form of prevention for the problems our youth face today. Studies show a child who has the opportunity to experience dance, music, theater, puppetry and other forms of the arts are more likely to turn to positive forms of recreation than to turn to drugs and violence. Sunshine continues to develop programs and services based on the needs of the community and the families we service.
Sunshine is located in a beautifully renovated building nestled on 6 acres of land donated by the Town of Brookhaven Sunshine is a not-for-profit, town and county youth agency and is staffed with a wide-array of professionals who are experienced in working with children, adolescents and families.
Tags: Sunshine Prevention Center, Long Island, New York, divorce, violence, substance abuse, peer pressures, bullies, teasing, prevention, education, support, families, schools, communities.