
The South Shore Child Guidance Center on Long Island, New York is a nonprofit agency providing comprehensive outpatient behavioral health services for children ages 5-18 as and families residing in Nassau County. |
South Shore Child and Family Guidance Center Mental Health Services For Children and Their Families
The South Shore Child Guidance Center on Long Island, New York is a nonprofit agency providing comprehensive outpatient behavioral health services for children ages 5-18 as and families residing in Nassau County. The intent of our mission is to improve the client's functioning within the context of the family and community.
Every child experiences life's ups and downs, as well as emotional and social growing pains. Navigating life's challenges can be more difficult for some than others, and family circumstances can often play a major role in how a child copes with everyday situations.
Tags: South Shore Child and Family Guidance Center, nonprofit agency, outpatient, behavioral problems, programs, health services, children, Nassau County, Long Island, New York. |