Feal Good Foundation No Responders Left Behind in Nesconset, Long Island, New York is a network of advocacy non-profit organization on 9/11 healthcare issues of first responders and Ground Zero workers. |
Feal Good Foundation No Responders Left Behind
Feal Good Foundation No Responders Left Behind is a network of advocacy non-profit organization on 9/11 healthcare issues of first responders and Ground Zero workers located in Nesconset, Long Island, New York.
The primary mission of the Feal Good Foundation, a non-profit organization, is to spread awareness and educate the public about the catastrophic health effects on 9/11 first responders, as well as to provide assistance to relieve these great heroes of the financial burdens placed on them over the last eight years. A secondary goal of the Foundation is to create a network of advocacy on 9/11 healthcare issues. We not only advocate for Ground Zero workers, but show others how they can advocate for themselves and help others through grassroots activism.
Tags: FealGood Foundation, Feal Good Foundation, Long Island, New York no responders left behind, network of advocacy non-profit organization, 9/11 first responders, health effects, healthcare, network of advocacy, 9/11 healthcare issues, Ground Zero workers, September 11, 2001, Long Island, New York.