Ellen Hermanson Foundation
Creating A Legacy For Women's Health

The Ellen Hermanson Foundation was established in 1997 to honor the memory of Ellen Hermanson and carry on the important work to which she devoted so much of her time and energy. An activist and an advocate, Ellen channeled her journalistic talents to become a forceful voice for breast cancer patients and their families. She educated her readers about the importance of early detection, the challenges of living with breast cancer, the very real, but little-discussed or understood, issue of pain management, and the debilitating effects of breast cancer on the entire family
The Ellen Hermanson Foundation is continuing Ellen's work by focusing on three areas, primarily to serve breast cancer patients on the East End of Long Island:
- Educational outreach about the importance of mammography and early detection to medically under-served communities of women
- Psychosocial support services that address the broad range of issues facing breast cancer patients, survivors, spouses, families and friends
- Research on improving understanding of pain management and methods for treating pain
The Ellen Hermanson Foundation is unique in its commitment to helping breast cancer patients and their families cope with the changing nature of the physical and emotional aspects of breast cancer.
Ellen Hermanson Breast Center
at Southampton Hospital

The Ellen Hermanson Breast Center is proud to be designated as a Breast Imaging Center of Excellence by the American College of Radiology (ACR). Learn more about ACR accreditation. The Center offers a wide spectrum of breast health services, including education, early detection screenings and breast cancer treatment and support. The Center utilizes state-of-the-art diagnostic techniques, including computer-assisted mammography, ultrasound and a breast biopsy system that locates breast abnormalities and obtains tissue samples.
Breast cancer is a mind-numbing experience, not only for each patient, but for their families and friends. In a time of tremendous stress, Southampton Hospital’s Ellen Hermanson Breast Center offers a comprehensive patient-centric approach. Under the leadership of our fellowship-trained breast surgeon Dr. Edna Kapenhas, the center includes board-certified radiologists, pathologist, oncology nurse, radiology nurses, patient navigator and certified technologists. Satellite diagnostic services are also located in East Hampton and Hampton Bays.
State-of-the-Art Technology for Timely Diagnosis and Treatment
The Ellen Hermanson Breast Center is fortunate to have the technology necessary for early detection and treatment:
Full-Field Digital Mammography
The best screening tool for the early detection of breast abnormalities
High-Resolution Ultrasound
Used in conjunction with a palpable mass or questionable mammography to complete the diagnosis
Breast MRI
Our technology uses the latest software available
Ultrasound Guided Biopsies
Minimally invasive, used diagnostically in cases of a positive or suspicious finding
Stereotactic Biopsy
Used diagnostically in the case of a positive or suspicious finding
MRI Biopsy
Another diagnostic tool in cases of a positive or suspicious finding
Nuclear Imaging
Ellen's Run Charity Benefit Fundraiser Walk Run
Ellen's Run is both the fundraising vehicle for the Foundation and an annual 5k (3.1-mile) race. An innovative, grassroots event, the Run has gone far toward meeting the Foundation’s goals. Held on the East End of Long Island, where breast cancer diagnosis and mortality rates are among the highest in the state, Ellen's Run draws on the strength of the local community and gives back to the community, in the form of local projects, the bulk of the money raised.
Proceeds from Ellen's Run support the new Ellen Hermanson Breast Center at Southampton Hospital. The Foundation has also funded much state-of-the-art technology at Southampton Hospital, such as digital mammography equipment. Ellen's Run also supports Ellen’s Well, a program that since May 2000 has provided psychosocial support for breast cancer survivors on Long Island's East End under the leadership of a specially trained certified social worker.
The race itself is a family event, aimed at both serious runners, women and men alike and casual runners, as well as walkers and supporters of all ages. It engenders camaraderie and community as participants support or memorialize a loved one. Breast cancer survivors are recognized and applauded for their courage. A special prize is awarded to the first breast cancer survivor to finish the race. Those who have been touched by the disease or the specter of the disease have the chance to take a positive step.
Tags: Ellen's Run, The Ellen P. Hermanson Foundation, breast center, breast cancer, mammography, ultrasound, breast MRI, biopsy, nuclear imaging, 5K walk race, road race, run, running, race walk, cocktail party, auction, charity, benefit, fundraiser, East Hampton, Long Island, New York.