Cornell Cooperative Extension of Suffolk County is a not-for-profit agency on Long Island, New York dedicated to helping the residents of Suffolk County through informal educational programs that help family, school and local businesses. |
Cornell Cooperative Extension of Suffolk County
Cornell Cooperative Extension of Suffolk County improves individual lives by strengthening families, building skills and confidence of young people, educating people to take action against breast cancer and diabetes, helping farmers and fishermen maintain economically and environmentally sound businesses. Cornell Cooperative Extension of Suffolk County improves communities by beautifying them with plant life, protecting Long Island shorelines and waters, helping control insects and other outdoor and indoor pests with minimal use of chemical pesticides. We target our resources to foster economic development, enhance and protect the environment, strengthen families and encourage communication.
A uniquely American invention, Cooperative Extension was created in 1914 as part of the US Department of Agriculture's land grant university system to provide continuing education to people in their homes and communities. The land grant institution in New York is Cornell University, one of the world's leading research institutions. So while Cornell Cooperative Extension of Suffolk County delivers services especially designed to meet local needs, we can call on resources throughout the state and the country.
Tags: Cornell Cooperative Extension of Suffolk County, CCE, Cornell, Long Island, Long Island educational programs, Cornell Cooperative Extension, Suffolk County, Cooperative Extension, Suffolk Extension, Extension Service, educational programs, economic development, protect environment, strengthen families, encourage communication. Suffolk County, Hamptons, Long Island, New York.
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agricultural events on Long Island New York.
Cornell Cooperative Extension of Suffolk CountyKermit W. Graf Cornell Cooperative Extension Building
423 Griffing Avenue, Suite 100
NY 11901