4-H Youth Development Organization on Long Island, New York provides youth development programs with a focus on science, health and citizenship. 4-H is a positive youth development organization that empowers young people to reach their full potential. Long Island 4-H, Long Island youth development, Long Island youth development programs, Long Island youth programs, youth, 4-H, 4H, 4 H. |
4-H Youth Development Program The 4-H Youth Development program, the youth component of Cornell Cooperative Extension, helps young people become self-directing, productive and contributing members of society. Fun filled, research-based programs conducted in volunteer led, community based Clubs at school and community sites at the Suffolk County Farm and Education Center and at the Suffolk County Marine Environmental Learning Center emphasize "learn by doing". Our youth programming includes educational programs at your facility for youth groups and schools and at our sites, as well as our popular 4-H club program.
4-H Youth Development Organization is a youth development organization serving more than 6.5 million young people, 4-H provides youth development programs with a focus on science, health and citizenship. 4-H is a positive youth development organization that empowers young people to reach their full potential. A vast community of more than 6 million youth and adults working together for positive change, 4-H enables America’s youth to emerge as leaders through hands-on learning, research-based 4-H youth programs and adult mentorship, in order to give back to their local communities. 4-H'ers across the nation are responding to challenges every day in their communities and their world. With an expansive network reaching every corner of the country, 4-H is the nation's largest youth development organization. More than 6 million 4-H youth in urban neighborhoods, suburban schoolyards and rural farming communities stand out among their peers: building revolutionary opportunities and implementing community-wide change at an early age. As the youth development program of the nation's 109 land-grant universities and the Cooperative Extension System, 4-H fosters an innovative, "learn by doing" approach with proven results. The 4-H Study of Positive Youth Development, a longitudinal study conducted by the Institute for Applied Research in Youth Development at Tufts University, shows youth engaged with 4-H are:
- Nearly two times more likely to get better grades in school
- Nearly two times more likely to plan to go to college
- 41 percent less likely to engage in risky behaviors
- 25 percent more likely to positively contribute to their families and communities
The foundation of our community lies within the 106 land-grant universities across the country that deliver research-driven programs through Extension agents in each of the more than 3,000 counties. The 4-H leadership builds on the strength of our state and local professionals in partnership with the National 4-H Headquarters.
Tags: 4-H Youth Development Organization, youth development programs, science, health, citizenship, Long Island 4-H, Long Island youth development, Long Island youth development programs, Long Island youth programs, youth, 4-H, 4H, 4 H. |
4-H Youth Development Program New York Office
340 Roberts Hall
NY 14853