Title: |
Hummus The Movie: It Unites It Divides It's Delicious |
Sub Title: |
at Temple Israel of Lawrence in Lawrence, Nassau County, Long Island, New York |
Date: |
September 23, 2019 |
Time: |
6:00 PM to 8:45 PM
Location: |
Temple Israel of Lawrence |
Street Address: |
140 Central Avenue |
Lawrence, NY 11559 |
Description: |
Hummus The Movie: It Unites It Divides It's Delicious at Temple Israel of Lawrence in Lawrence, Nassau County, Long Island, New York.
"Hummus! The Movie" will be screened on Monday, September 23 2019 at Temple Israel of Lawrence, 140 Central Avenue, Lawrence NY 11559. There will be kosher Israeli nosh at 6:00PM followed by the movie screening at 6:30PM. This event is open to the public and Free of charge.
Hummus - the delicious and nutritious superfood sweeping across America - has the power to bring Jews, Christians and Muslims together...in the Middle East, America and around the world.
In "Hummus! the Movie" we meet three main characters - an ever-smiling Jew, a young Christian Arab and a hard working Muslim woman, all on a restless quest for meaning. But despite their historical and cultural differences they all have one thing in common, a passionate love of Hummus.
Advance registration by September 19 is strongly recommended. For more information, or to register, please call the Temple Israel office at 516-239-1140, or email alan.freedman@tilny.org.
Sponsored by the Judy and Ben Segan Adult Education Fund. |
Contact: |
516-23-91140 |