We all want the very best for our children. We want them to
have every advantage for current and future success. Are you
aware that when you are concerned about your child's development
and/or behavior, your child is entitled to have an evaluation
and possibly qualify for services through the Department of
Health or your local school district?
Education-Relief, Inc. offers a Complete Network Referral
System (CNRS), including educators, related service providers,
physicians and attorneys. We advocate for: 1) the child 2) the
parent/guardian and 3) nursery, preschool, child care center,
elementary and middle schools.
As advocates, Education-Relief, Inc. is available to
consult with the parents and schools. As consultants, evaluators
and service providers we are here to empower, the parent, their
child and the schools for greater success.
You and your child should not suffer one more day alone.
Parents, children and schools need a CNRS like,
Education-Relief, Inc. for guidance and support.
Finally there is Education-Relief for all of us!
Education-Relief, Inc. on Long Island, New York helps
children of all ages with:
- Social/emotional and/or behavioral development
- Communication skills
- Language development
- Cognitive abilities and deficits |
Elaine B. Feigenbaum, the founder of Education-Relief, Inc. has
personally and professionally worked as a consultant for many years
with children with a variety of disabilities, has had great success
obtaining appropriate services, and is trained as a special educator
who observes, evaluates and provides instruction individually or in
small groups with children, parents and teachers.
Education-Relief, Inc.
is special educators,
independent liaisons / coordinators, evaluators and educators to
contract with your school and the families you service. We are a
great resource for parents who have concerns about their child's
development while being cared for at home.
Education-Relief, Inc.
is available to personally give you a free initial consultation and
to provide an evaluation and/or individualized instruction for your
child in the LRE (Least Restrictive Environment). Services are
offered in your home or school setting.
Education-Relief, Inc.
continues to collaborate with parents, educators, Speech and
Language Pathologists (SLP), Occupational (OT) and Physical
Therapists (PT) for children ages birth-21.
Services include: Advocacy, Consultations and Evaluations for Early
Intervention (EI): birth-3 years of age, Special Education Itinerary
Teacher (SEIT): 3-5 years old and parent/teacher trainings, SLP, OT
and PT. School aged 5-21, specializing in elementary and middle
school advocacy. |
1.) Are you frustrated that no one seems to understand your child's
individual needs?
2.) Do you know where to locate the appropriate resources for an
assessment for your child?
3.) Do you know what services are available to you as a parent or
4.) Are you aware that every family/child is entitled to a free
initial core evaluation?
5.) Currently, most day care centers, nursery and preschool programs
are designed to meet the needs of the typical developing child.
Where does your child fit in to the "big picture?"
6.) Is your school aged child 5-21 struggling? Is s/he receiving the
appropriate educational services they need to be successful right
now and in the near future?
7.) What will happen if s/he does not get the services you know they
need and would greatly benefit from? |
Education-Relief, Inc.
offers you, and your child continuous support and
encouragement. Our team approach provides your child with the
opportunity to develop independence and self-confidence, thus,
enabling him/her to become a happy, respectful, and well-adjusted
child. Together, we will empower you and your child with the
knowledge needed to attain their highest potential. They deserve it
and so do you.
If your instinct tells you that your child needs something
more…would it be worth it for you to give them every available tool
to enhance their potential in life? If you believe your child would
greatly benefit from private education, please contact us: |
Elaine B. Feigenbaum
http://www.longislandbrowser.com/education/education-relief/ |
Education-Relief, Inc.
does not discriminate on the basis of sex, race, color,
national origin or disability. Education-Relief, Inc. is a private
institution where fees are paid upon services rendered. We are
approved by the New York State Department of Health to provide Early
Intervention Evaluations/Services, whereas families might be
entitled to reimbursement for services provided. Please check with
your local school district and insurance company. |