The Gilbert and Sullivan Light Opera Company of Long Island
The Gilbert and Sullivan Light Opera Company of Long Island is one of the nation's oldest organizations devoted primarily to the promotion and performance of the works of Gilbert and Sullivan.
Founded in 1954, The Gilbert and Sullivan Light Opera Company of Long Island is one of the nation's oldest organizations devoted primarily to the promotion and performance of the works of Gilbert and Sullivan. Our performers are all volunteers, coming from every walk of life. While very different in many ways, they all have one thing in common: a passion for bringing these classic comic operas to generations of Long Island audiences.
Tags: The Gilbert Sullivan Light Opera Company of Long Island, Gilbert Sullivan, Gilbert and Sullivan, Long Island, Princess Ida, Iolanthe, Gondoliers, Patience, Pinafore, HMS Pinafore, Ruddigore, Utopia, LTD Utopia, Grand Duke, Pirates of Penzance, Pirates, Penzance, Trial by Jury, Mikado, Yeomen of the Guard, Yeomen, Thespis, Sorcerer, opera, operetta, long island, HMS Pinafore, light opera, gilbert, sullivan, gilbert sullivan, Gilbert Sullivan, Gilbert and Sullivan, Gilbert, Sullivan, D'oyly Carte, Long Island, New York.