Title: |
Cornelius Eady and Pramila Venkateswaran at Writing with Whitman Poetry Workshops |
Sub Title: |
at Walt Whitman Birthplace State Historic Site and Interpretive Center |
Date: |
November 2, 2013 |
Time: |
6:15 PM
Admission: | Admission: Single Workshop $15.00 per person; Series of 6 Workshops $60.00 per person. |
Location: |
Walt Whitman Birthplace State Historic Site and Interpretive Center |
Street Address: |
246 Old Walt Whitman Road |
Huntington Station, NY 11746 |
Description: |
Cornelius Eady and Pramila Venkateswaran at Writing with Whitman Poetry Writing Workshops at Walt Whitman Birthplace State Historic Site and Interpretive Center in Huntington Station, Long Island, New York.
Cornelius Eady
Cornelius Eady is the author of eight books of poetry, including Hardheaded Weather: New and Selected Poems (Putnam, April 2008). His second book, Victims of the Latest Dance Craze, won the Lamont Prize from the Academy of American Poets in 1985; in 2001 Brutal Imagination was a finalist for the National Book Award. His work in theater includes the libretto for an opera, "Running Man" which was a finalist for the Pulitzer Prize in Drama in 1999. His play, "Brutal Imagination" won Newsday's Oppenheimer award in 2002. In 1996 Eady co-founded, with writer Toi Derricotte, the Cave Canem summer workshop/retreat for African American poets. More than a decade later, Cave Canem is a thriving national network of black poets, as well as an institution offering regional workshops, readings, a first book prize, and the summer retreat. Eady has been a teacher for more than twenty years, and is now a professor at Notre Dame University.
Pramila Venkateswaran
Pramila Venkateswaran is the author of Thirtha (Yuganta Press, 2002), Behind Dark Waters (Plain View Press, 2008), Draw Me Inmost (Stockport Flats, 2009) and Trace (Finishing Line Press,2011), has a doctorate from George Washington University and teaches English and Women's Studies at Nassau Community College, New York. A finalist for the Allen Ginsberg Poetry Award in 1999 and a recipient of a Hedgebrook residency in 2002 and a Norcroft residency in August 2003, she has published in Paterson Literary Review, Ariel: A Review of International English Literature, Atlanta Review, Prairie Schooner, Xanadu, Long Island Quarterly, Calyx: Journal of Art and Literature by Women, California Quarterly, Kavya Bharati, and Nassau Review, among several other print and electronic journals. Recent anthologies, A Chorus for Peace, En(Compass) and Writing the Lines of Our Hands, include her voice among poets from around the world. She reads her poems internationally, most recenly at the Geraldine R. Dodge Poetry Festival. Her essays on literature, gender, and politics, appear in Women's Studies Quarterly, Socialism and Democracy, and Journal of Postcolonial Writing, among many others. Ms. Venkateswaran will be conducting a poetry writing workshop as part of the Writing with Whitman series 3:00PM-5:00PM in the Interpretive Center.
Participants will write three new poems at this upbeat and friendly workshop and receive useful suggestions for both revisions and performance. The workshop is for poets at all levels including those who are new to the form.
Fee for the workshop includes admission to the 6:15PM "Meet the Poets" reception and the 7:00PM poetry reading, Walking with Whitman: Poetry in Performance, featuring Philip Asaph and internationally acclaimed poet Anne Waldman.
This event is the first of six writing workshops as part of the 2013 Writing with Whitman series being led by accomplished poets.
The event will be held in the Interpretive Center overlooking the Birthplace of America's Good Gray Poet Walt Whitman.
Writing with Whitman is the companion series to Walking with Whitman: Poetry in Performance, a reading series featuring performances by some of the most intriguing figures in contemporary literature on the national scene, paired with respected voices on the regional scene. The series is hosted by Walt Whitman Birthplace Writer-in-Residence George Wallace. |
Contact: |
631-427-5240 |
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