Title: |
Raggedy Ann and Andy at Theatre Three Productions |
Sub Title: |
in Port Jefferson, Long Island, New York |
Date: |
January 19, 2013 - February 23, 2013 |
Time: |
Admission: | $10.00 |
Location: |
Theatre Three Productions |
Street Address: |
412 Main Street |
Port Jefferson, NY 11777 |
Description: |
Raggedy Ann and Andy at Theatre Three Productions in Port Jefferson, Long Island, New York.
The world's favorite and most famous rag dolls come to life in an adventure about friendship, loyalty and love. Setting out from the Tiwilliger Workshop for special toys, Raggedy Ann and friends embark an adventure to bring a special little girl a very special doll. A heart-warming tale, not to be forgotten.
About Theatre Three
Theatre Three is a not-for-profit agency supported by the New York State Council on the Arts, a state agency and funded by Suffolk County under the auspices of the Office of Cultural Affairs, Steve Bellone, County Executive. |
Contact: |
631-928-9100 |
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