Title: |
John McEnroe At Sportime Bethpage Saturday |
Sub Title: |
Meet the tennis legent |
Date: |
January 26, 2013 |
Time: |
1:00 PM to 4:00 PM
Location: |
Sportime Bethpage |
Street Address: |
101 Norcross Avenue, |
Bethpage, NY 11714 |
Description: |
Area players can tour the newly renovated SPORTIME Bethpage facility, home to the John McEnroe Academy Annex since September 2012, and watch McEnroe and his staff train JMTA Rising Stars. McEnroe and SPORTIME have assembled a talented staff of world-class teaching and fitness professionals, to make John’s vision of a New York-based, non-residential tennis academy a reality. The flagship JMTA at SPORTIME Randall’s Island opened in September, 2010, and was joined by Annexes at Bethpage and in Westchester in 2012. |
Contact: |
516-933-8500 |
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