Title: |
Josephine Sanges Soprano In Commemoration of the Faithful Departed |
Sub Title: |
at St. William the Abbot Roman Catholic Church in Seaford, Long Island, New York |
Date: |
November 2, 2013 |
Time: |
6:15 PM to 7:15 PM
Location: |
St. William the Abbot Roman Catholic Church |
Street Address: |
2000 Jackson Ave. |
Seaford, NY 11783 |
Description: |
Josephine Sanges Soprano In Commemoration of the Faithful Departed at St. William the Abbot Roman Catholic Church in Seaford, Long Island, New York.
Performing selections from her new recording during a concert in honor of the faithful departed.
Josephine has performed extensively throughout the metropolitan area with the likes of Ronan Tynan and Daniel Rodriguez, just to name a few. She will be performing selections from her new recording during a concert in honor of the faithful departed. Good will offerings will be accepted during the concert. |
Contact: |
516-781-3253 |
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