Title: |
Purim Seudah Celebration - Lake Success Jewish Center |
Sub Title: |
at the Lake Success Jewish Center in Lake Success, Long Island, New York |
Date: |
February 23, 2013 |
Time: |
6:00 PM
Location: |
Lake Success Jewish Center |
Street Address: |
354 Lakeville Road |
Lake Success, NY 11020 |
Description: |
Purim Seudah Celebration at the Lake Success Jewish Center in Lake Success, Long Island, New York.
On Purim it is customary to enjoy a seudah, a special meal, which is fun, casual and unusual. For our general congregation the meal is an opportunity to fill up before the Megillah reading. For our school families the meal will include crafts, games and some funny food, you may not expect at your own dinner table.
Lake Success Jewish Center is affiliated with the United Synagogue of Conservative Judaism. We offer innovative Hebrew School; active Sisterhood; Shabbat and Holiday dinners; unique celebrations for all holidays; adult education classes; trips to areas of Jewish interest; guest speakers. |
Contact: |
516-466-0569 |
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