Title: |
The Robert S. Still Republican Club Meeting at Portuguese American Center |
Sub Title: |
at Portuguese American Center in Farmingville, Long Island, New York |
Date: |
September 19, 2013 |
Time: |
7:30 PM to 9:00 PM
Location: |
Portuguese American Center |
Street Address: |
12 16 Portion Road |
Farmingville, NY 11738 |
Description: |
The Robert S. Still Republican club will hold its meeting on Thursday, September 20, 2013 7:30PM-9:00PM at the Portuguese American Center located at 1216 Portion Road, Farmingville. For information call 631-377-0524.
About The Robert S. Still Republican Club
Town of Brookhaven 4th Councilmatic District
Preamble: Whereas, believing that the principle upon which the Republican Party is founded are the finest and truest upon which a political party may be built, and adhering to these principles with faith and loyalty, we do, by these documents, bind ourselves to the advancement and furtherance of the Republican Party, certain in the knowledge that it will prove of great benefit in the administration of our various governmental functions.
Why Am I a Republican?
I believe in the promise of America and the goodness of the American people.
I believe that the roots of our society are found in strong families, personal faith, solid communities and love of country.
I believe that our flag, the "Stars and Stripes" is a true and unique symbol of the pride and patriotism Americans share in their beloved nation.
I believe that America is still the "shining city on a hill" and represents the dreams and aspirations of current and future generations of American citizens. I believe that our government is best when it is closest to the people that it serves.
I believe that government and governmental programs should be efficient, and provide full accountability for the practices and policies it's leaders propose and implement.
I believe in the spirit of free enterprise, in which capitalism is the best means to keep our economy running strong, both now and in the future.
I believe that while government can and should be the provider of some essential services, it should function with limited taxation, financial efficiency and the adoption of innovations to allow taxpayers to get the most for their hard-earned tax dollars.
I believe that America's military is the most powerful military force in the world, and that our brave men and women who serve our nation deserve the respect and admiration a grateful nation can only bestow.
I believe that governments first and foremost responsibility is the providing of safety and security to our citizens.
I believe that the rights of law-abiding citizens should outweigh the rights of criminals and that the enforcement of existing laws, combined with the addition of innovative, common-sense policies, is the best means of furthering a civil society.
I believe that our natural environment is a precious resource for all humankind, and that citizens and government should work together to implement common-sense policies that allow for both environmental protection and economic growth.
I believe that in the spirit of Abraham Lincoln, all persons are created equal, and that I oppose discrimination in any form, against any person, and for any reason.
I believe in an inclusive political party, a party with a "big tent" approach where I am encouraged to share my beliefs and to disagree with those who share opposing viewpoints.
I believe that Republican Party leaders and officials have brought needed change to New York State and I agree that supporting their efforts is the best way to ensure a brighter future for many years to come. |
Contact: |
631-475-4531 |
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