Title: |
Unraveling the Mysteries of SoFo Slithering Snakes |
Sub Title: |
at the South Fork Natural History Museum and Nature Center |
Date: |
February 10, 2013 |
Time: |
10:00 AM
Admission: | Admission: Free for SoFo members. Non-members $7.00 for adults, $5.00 for children ages 3-12 years of age, 2 and under free. Fees include admission to the museum on the day of the program |
Location: |
South Fork Natural History Museum and Nature Center |
Street Address: |
377 Bridgehampton Sag Harbor Turnpike |
Bridgehampton, NY 11932 |
Description: |
Unraveling the Mysteries of SoFo Slithering Snakes at the South Fork Natural History Museum and Nature Center in Bridgehampton, Long Island, New York. Leader: Lindsey Rohrbach, SoFo Nature Educator.
Some people are fascinated by snakes, and Lindsey is one of them. In this up close and personal visit with the new snakes housed at the museum, children will learn what makes a snake a reptile, how they have evolved, and why they are great to have around. This is the first public appearance of our SoFo resident snakes. There will also be some surprises, as you get to meet some snakes definitely not found on Long Island. Limited enrollment, reserve now. |
Contact: |
631-537-9735 |
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