Title: |
Mr Mouse and The Holiday Candle Puppet Shows Children's Fun Holiday Event |
Sub Title: |
at the Mills Pond House Gallery in St James, Long Island, New York |
Date: |
December 30, 2013 |
Time: |
Admission: | $9.99 per tickets; limited seating. Reserve in advance. |
Location: |
Mills Pond House Gallery |
Street Address: |
660 New York 25A |
St. James, NY 11780 |
Description: |
Mr Mouse and The Holiday Candle Puppet Shows Children's Fun Holiday Event at Mills Pond House Gallery in St James, Long Island, New York.
Guaranteed giggles for children pre-K - 3rd grade. Children will make puppets after performance. Performances at 11:00PM; 1:00PM; 3:00PM.
The Smithtown Township Arts Council is pleased to announce the holiday performance date for Mr. Mouse and the Holiday Candle puppet show featuring Katie's Puppets. All tickets $9.00. Reserve in advance. Performances are at the Mills Pond House, 660 Route 25A, St. James NY and are geared especially for young children grades pre-K to 3rd grade. Children will make puppets after the performance. Call 631-862-6575 or visit www.stacarts.org for more information.
Long Island puppeteer Katie Polk believes her puppet art helps people develop their own creativity. She builds all her own puppets, using items she finds on beaches, in thrift stores and anywhere else that may be home to clothespins, buttons, empty thread spools, odd material and the like. Just about any item around may give life to one of Katie's puppets. Combining sounds, textures, colors and rhythms, Katie uses her inventive imagination to bring her puppet characters to life. She likes to incorporate fun, silliness, imagination and a sense of wonder" into her puppets so anyone, at any age will enjoy them. |
Contact: |
631-862-6575 |
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