Title: |
Passover Jewish Holiday Celebration at Malverne Jewish Center |
Sub Title: |
in Malverne, Long Island, New York |
Date: |
March 25, 2013 - April 2, 2013 |
Time: |
5:45 PM
Location: |
Malverne Jewish Center |
Street Address: |
1 Norwood Avenue |
Malverne, NY 11565 |
Description: |
Passover Jewish Holiday Celebration at Malverne Jewish Center in Malverne, Long Island, New York.
Monday, March 25, 2013
Erev Pesach
6:53PM Candle Lighting
Tuesday, March 26, 2013
Pesach I
Wednesday, March 27, 2013
Pesach II
8:25PM Havdalah (72 minutes)
Thursday, March 28, 2013
Pesach III (CH''M)
Friday, March 29, 2013
Pesach IV (CH''M)
6:57PM Candle Lighting
Saturday, March 29, 2013
Pesach V (CH''M)
8:29PM Havdalah (72 minutes)
Sunday, March 30, 2013
Pesach VI (CH''M)
7:00PM Candle Lighting
Monday, April 1, 2013
Pesach VII
Tuesday, April 2, 2013
Pesach VIII
8:32PM Havdalah (72 minutes)
Pesach VII
We will soon celebrate PURIM, which is one of the happiest days in the Jewish year. It is the tradition of the Jewish people to celebrate this holiday in a very joyful mood. So, all types of jokes and pranks are allowed on Purim which would not have been tolerated on any other day of the year.
Immediately after the reading of the Megillah, which tells the story of Purim, people begin their merrymaking. Before the merrymaking, the Megillah reminds us of the tribulations the Jewish people went through. Why should we want to spoil our joyful mood by first reading of the cruelty and wickedness of Haman?
He was a descendant of Amalek, the arch enemy of the Jewish people who caused such suffering to our ancestors. To remember what Amalek did to our forefathers, on the Shabbat before Purim (which is called Shabbat Zachor/remembrance) we read from a special book. We recall that Amalek attacked the Jews on their way out of Egypt by striking at the most vulnerable, the aged and very young who marched in the rear. The Jewish people did overcome Amalek.
Sometimes people who are out for a jolly time try to amuse themselves without limitation and forget all their good habits and good manners in their desire to have a good laugh and amuse their friends. They single out one person on whom to play a nasty joke, or they roam the streets annoying people and behaving in an irresponsible manner. Such an attitude is totally un-Jewish. Our religion requires that the Jew act kindly and give to charity to the less fortunate before he can indulge in merrymaking.
The laws that apply to the happy day of Purim require firstly, the reading of the Megillah; secondly, to send gifts to friends and to give charity to the poor; and lastly, to feast and celebrate for one's own enjoyment. According to Jewish law, if there is no nearby person who requires our charity, we must go out and look for one before we can celebrate in the traditional manner. Certainly, no permission is given to cause harm and suffering to anyone for our own pleasure, as was the way of Amalek and Haman.
The Jewish people must live by a different code. We must have a different attitude to our fellow man. By celebrating Purim correctly, we will prove our real understanding of the Jewish faith and tradition.
I wish you all a happy and meaningful Purim holiday.
Rabbi Meir Dvir |
Contact: |
516-593-6364 |
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