Title: |
Purim In China at Chabad of Brookville |
Sub Title: |
in Brookville, Long Island, New York |
Date: |
February 24, 2013 |
Time: |
4:00 PM
Admission: | Admission: $15.00 for adults; $8.00 for children. |
Location: |
Chabad of Brookville |
Street Address: |
1447 Cedar Swamp Road |
Brookville, NY 11545 |
Description: |
Purim In China at Chabad of Brookville in Brookville, Long Island, New York.
Megilla reading, hot Chinese food and decor. Come dressed up and receive a prize. Lively music and dancing. Hamantashen. Entertainment for the whole family. |
Contact: |
516-626-0600 |
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