Title: |
Purim In China Celebration at Chabad of Roslyn |
Sub Title: |
at Chabad Jewish Learning Center in East Hills, Long Island, New York |
Date: |
February 23, 2013 |
Time: |
7:30 PM
Admission: | Admission: $7.00 per person. Sponsorship: $180.00. |
Location: |
Chabad Jewish Learning Center |
Street Address: |
210 Forest Drive |
East Hills, NY 11548 |
Description: |
Purim In China Celebration at Chabad of Roslyn at Chabad Jewish Learning Center in East Hills, Long Island, New York.
Chinese refreshments. Dress Chinese style. Prizes for all children in costume. Chinese photo-op. Multi media Megilla reading. Music and dancing with DJ entertainment. Free raffle. Touchscreen tablet PC. |
Contact: |
516-484-3500 |
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