Title: |
"The Miracle of Song" A Hanukkah Concert |
Sub Title: |
at South Huntington Jewish Center, Long Island, New York |
Date: |
December 2, 2012 |
Time: |
4:00 PM
Location: |
South Huntington Jewish Center |
Street Address: |
2600 New York Avenue |
Melville, NY 11747 |
Description: |
"The Miracle of Song" A Hanukkah Concert with Hazzan Brian Baruch Shamash and Guest Artists at South Huntington Jewish Center, Long Island, New York.
South Huntington Jewish Center is a family friendly Jewish community where spiritual searching to lift the soul is inspired while challenging the mind and encouraging social responsibility and action.
We strive to experience the divine presence as we study, pray, and serve together. We are unified yet diverse, exploring the living tension between tradition and progress.
We carry out deeds of loving-kindness and support a meaningful relationship with Israel.
We welcome you to study, pray, and serve with us. |
Contact: |
631-421-3224 |
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