Title: |
Ghastly Grounds Halloween at the Oyster Bay Historical Society Earle-Wightman House |
Sub Title: |
at the Oyster Bay Historical Society in Oyster Bay, Long Island, New York |
Date: |
October 27, 2013 |
Time: |
1:00 PM to 4:00 AM
Location: |
Oyster Bay Historical Society |
Street Address: |
20 Summit Street |
Oyster Bay, NY 11771 |
Description: |
Ghastly Grounds Halloween at the Oyster Bay Historical Society Earle-Wightman House in Oyster Bay, Long Island, New York.
All little vampires, witches, ghosts and zombies are invited to drop by the Earle Wightman House for face painting, a skeleton scavenger hunt and wild pumpkin toss. Creep, float, or crawl over for some Halloween excitement with refreshments served.
About Oyster Bay Historical Society
The Oyster Bay Historical Society is a project partner with Greater Hudson Heritage Network, the Institute of Museum and Library Services, and 19 other heritage organizations and libraries in promoting preservation training in connection with the collection types identified as "at risk" in New York State: books and paper; photographic collections; digital materials; and historic objects.
About The Earle-Wightman House
The Earle-Wightman House at 20 Summit Street is owned by the Town of Oyster Bay and operated by the Oyster Bay Historical Society as its headquarters, research library, and museum. The Society, a nonprofit organization, was founded in 1960 with the singular purpose of preserving the history of the Oyster Bay community.
Originally built on South Street around 1720 as a small, one-room dwelling, the house grew over the next 150 years to its current size. During that time the house had several owners. As the 19th century began, two successive Baptist ministers, the Reverend Marmaduke Earle and the Reverend Charles S. Wightman (after whom the house is named), made their home here. In 1966 the house was donated to the Town for the Society's use by Bruce Wood Hall and was moved to Summit Street.
The whole fabric of the Town's fascinating history from colonial times to the present is interpreted by the Oyster Bay Historical Society at our historic Earle-Wightman House headquarters. |
Contact: |
516-922-5032 |
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