Title: |
MLK Ball "Remembering The Dream" - A Special Tribute to Dr. Martin Luther King Jr. |
Sub Title: |
at The Oheka Castle, Huntington, Long Island, New York |
Date: |
January 19, 2013 |
Time: |
7:00 PM
Admission: | Tickets: $250.00 per person; $400.00 per couple |
Location: |
The Oheka Castle |
Street Address: |
135 West Gate Drive |
Huntington, NY 11746 |
Description: |
MLK Ball "Remembering the Dream: An Enchanting Evening of Elegance, Reflection and Homage" - A Special Tribute to Dr. Martin Luther King Jr. at The Oheka Castle, Huntington, Long Island, New York.
Honoring Phil Andrews, Chris Arceneaux, Gloria Baca, Shelley Brazley, Jane Dugan, Theresa Drye, Councilwoman Dorothy Goosby, Mayor Andrew Hardwick, Pastor Donnie McClurkin, Dr. Juliet White. |
Contact: |
516-343-1257 |
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