Title: |
Film: Loon's Necklace at Garvies Point Museum and Preserve |
Sub Title: |
in Glen Cove, Long Island, New York |
Date: |
February 20, 2013 |
Time: |
Location: |
Garvies Point Museum and Preserve |
Street Address: |
50 Barry Drive |
Glen Cove, NY 11542 |
Description: |
Film: Loon's Necklace at Garvies Point Museum and Preserve in Glen Cove, Long Island, New York. Two screenings at 11:00AM, at 12:00PM and at 2:00PM.
A Native American legend about how the loon got his 'necklace,' specially colored feathers around his neck. Ceremonial masks carved by Indians of British Colombia reflect the Indian's sensitivity to nature. 11 minutes.
About Garvies Point Museum and Preserve
The Garvies Point Museum and Preserve is a center for research on Long Island geology and a valued resource in the study of the Island's Native American archaeology. Reference collections of original archaeological artifacts and geological phenomena are maintained. These are used in exhibits and Museum educational programs and are available for special research purposes. A giftshop provides materials and publications related to the exhibits and educational programming, with emphasis on the natural history of Long Island. |
Contact: |
516-571-8010 |
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