Title: |
Valentine's Day Film: Princess Scargo and The Birthday Pumpkin |
Sub Title: |
at the Garvies Point Museum and Preserve in Glen Cove, Long Island, New York |
Date: |
February 14, 2013 |
Time: |
11:00 AM to 3:00 PM
Location: |
Garvies Point Museum and Preserve |
Street Address: |
50 Barry Drive |
Glen Cove, NY 11542 |
Description: |
Valentine's Day Film: Princess Scargo and The Birthday Pumpkin at the Garvies Point Museum and Preserve in Glen Cove, Long Island, New York. Two screenings at 11:00AM and at 2:00PM.
In this animated adaptation of a Native American legend, Princess Scargo, a young Native American girl shows the true spirit of selflessness by giving up a precious birthday gift to help her people. The story is narrated by Geena Davis and features the music of award-winning guitarist Michael Hedges. 30 minutes.
About Garvies Point Museum and Preserve
Overlooking the Hemstead Harbor, Garvies Point Museum and Preserve is an exhibition devoted to the Native American culture and the science of archaeology. Relating to local regional geology, visitors will find a wealth of artifacts including maps, rocks and fossils found in the northern parts of Long Island. This elaborate museum boasts a well-stocked gift shop with various precious stones and jewelry for sale. Many classes are also available including jewelry workshops and sculpture. |
Contact: |
516-571-8010 |