Title: |
Creative Encounters at Mills Pond - An Intimate Look at the Tango December 2013 |
Sub Title: |
at the Mills Pond House Gallery in St James, Long Island, New York |
Date: |
December 14, 2013 |
Time: |
7:00 PM
Admission: | $10.00 |
Location: |
Mills Pond House Gallery |
Street Address: |
Parking located directly across from GPSaddress 19 |
St. James, NY 11780 |
Description: |
Creative Encounters at Mills Pond - An Intimate Look at the Tango at the Mills Pond House Gallery in St James, Long Island, New York.
Each evening features an intimate talk offering an opportunity to understand the cultures and musical styles of the art forms presented and will be highlighted by example by live dancers and musicians. Join us as Mills Pond House Gallery transforms from gallery to stage featuring presentations in a relaxed ambiance where you will never be more than 20 feet from the performers. Very limited seating.
Saturday, December 14, 2013 at 7:00PM $10.00. Alfonso Cid (Flamenco Cante-singing) and Arturo Martinez Espiritu Gitano (Flamenco Guitarist). |
Contact: |
631-862-6575 |
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