Title: |
Home Canning Educational Class - Preservation Series - Fun for All Ages |
Sub Title: |
at Hallockville Musem Farm in Riverhead, Long Island, New York |
Date: |
June 29, 2013 |
Time: |
10:30 AM
Admission: | Admission: $5.00 for members; $8.00 for non-members. |
Location: |
Hallockville Musem Farm |
Street Address: |
6038 Sound Avenue |
Riverhead, NY 1901 |
Description: |
Home Canning Educational Class - Preservation Series - Fun for All Ages at Hallockville Musem Farm in Riverhead, Long Island, New York.
The final class in Hallockville's Food Preservation Series, Mark Vosburgh (New York State Cornell Cooperative Extension Certified Master Food Preserver) will present an informative program on canning fruits and vegetables. Both water bath and pressure canning methods will be explored, including a taste test of Long Island carrots that were canned using the pressure canning method. Bring your questions and kitchen war stories. Advance registration required. |
Contact: |
631-298-5292 |
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