Title: |
Making Jams and Jellies at Home Educational Class at Hallockville Musem Farm |
Sub Title: |
in Riverhead, Long Island, New York |
Date: |
May 25, 2013 |
Time: |
10:30 AM
Admission: | Admission: $5.00 for members; $8.00 for non-members. Enroll for all four classes and save $20.00 for members; $25.00 for non-members. |
Location: |
Hallockville Musem Farm |
Street Address: |
6038 Sound Avenue |
Riverhead, NY 1901 |
Description: |
Making Jams and Jellies at Home Educational Class at Hallockville Musem Farm in Riverhead, Long Island, New York.
The third in Hallockville's Food Preservation Series, Mark Vosburgh will present a detailed look into making that perfect jelled product. Whether you are a first-time jam-maker or have experience but need some expert insight, this is the class for you. Mark will discuss the correct procedures that will guarantee success and participants will be able to taste some freshly made jam being made while they wait. Become a member now to save on this and other programs throughout the entire year. Advance registration required. |
Contact: |
631-298-5292 |
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