Title: |
Do Trees Sleep? Educational Family Program for Children Ages 5 and Older |
Sub Title: |
at the South Fork Natural History Museum and Nature Center |
Date: |
April 2, 2013 |
Time: |
1:00 PM
Admission: | Admission: Free for SoFo members. Non-members $7.00 for adults, $5.00 for children ages 3-12 years of age, 2 and under free. Fees include admission to the museum on the day of the program |
Location: |
South Fork Natural History Museum and Nature Center |
Street Address: |
377 Bridgehampton Sag Harbor Turnpike |
Bridgehampton, NY 11932 |
Description: |
Do Trees Sleep? Educational Family Program for Children Ages 5 and Older at the South Fork Natural History Museum and Nature Center in Bridgehampton, Long Island, New York. Leader: Tyler Armstrong, SoFo Nature Educator.
Ever wonder how perennial plants survive the winter freeze? Our native trees are arguably more elegant than sleeping beauty. Learn how trees and other woody plants survive the winter to make fresh green growth year after year, often for hundreds of years. Join Tyler for a short walk outside the museum, for some amazing stories of plant survival strategies, and an introduction to reading the secrets of tree rings. Limited enrollment, reserve now. |
Contact: |
631-537-9735 |
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