Title: |
Winter Habits of Birds: For Children of All Ages |
Sub Title: |
in Noyac, Long Island, New York |
Date: |
February 24, 2013 |
Time: |
10:00 AM
Admission: | Admission: Free for SoFo members. Non-members $7.00 for adults, $5.00 for children ages 3-12 years of age, 2 and under free. Fees include admission to the museum on the day of the program. |
Location: |
Noyac |
Street Address: |
Noyack, NY 11963 |
Description: |
Winter Habits of Birds: For Children of All Ages at the South Fork Natural History Museum and Nature Center in Bridgehampton, Long Island, New York. Lindsey Rohrbach, SoFo Nature Educator.
Winter is a wonderful time to go outdoors and observe birds as they forage for their winter resources. But why don’t we hear their beautiful songs during this time of year? Join Lindsey for this visit to a very special place and learn what birds need to survive the winter, why they sing less during the winter, and why they will be singing so much more during the coming spring months. After you learn about these amazing small creatures, you’ll have an opportunity to have some feed right out of your hand. Limited enrollment, reserve now. |
Contact: |
631-537-9735 |
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