Title: |
Purim Celebration International Feast at Temple Emanu-El of Long Beach |
Sub Title: |
in Long Beach, Long Island, New York |
Date: |
February 24, 2013 |
Time: |
5:00 PM
Admission: | Admission: $18.00 per person with a side dish; $10.00 for children ages 3-10; children under 3 free. |
Location: |
Temple Emanu-El of Long Beach |
Street Address: |
455 Neptune Boulevard |
Long Beach, NY 11561 |
Description: |
Purim Celebration International Feast at Temple Emanu-El of Long Beach in Long Beach, Long Island, New York.
Cocktail hour with hors d'oeuvres 5:00PM-6:00PM. Crafts for children at 5:00PM. Children (and brave adults) come in costume. A wonderful Purim Shpiel presented by our religious school students. Megillah reading, music, merriment.
About Temple Emanu-El of Long Beach
Temple Emanu-El of Long Beach is to offer spiritual, intellectual and social involvement to the Reform Jewish Community in Long Beach.
Shabbat services at Temple Emanu-El of Long Beach Shabbat services include a blend of Hebrew and English built on tradition and innovation.
Rabbi's sermons challenge us weekly and Cantor's musicality and leadership of Adult and Children's Choirs add an immeasurable dimension of spirituality. |
Contact: |
516-431-4060 |
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