Title: |
The Nutty Irishman 3 Dollar For All Fridays |
Sub Title: |
at The Nutty Irishman Pub in Bay Shore, Long Island, New York |
Date: |
January 18, 2013 - December 20, 2013 |
Time: |
Admission: | Varies. |
Location: |
The Nutty Irishman Pub |
Street Address: |
60 East Main Street |
Bay Shore, NY 11706 |
Description: |
The Nutty Irishman 3 Dollar For All Fridays at The Nutty Irishman Pub in Bay Shore, Long Island, New York. $3.00 Bud and Bud Light bottles; $3.00 Jameson shots; $3.00 Captain Morgan or Malibu cocktails. Music by DJ Sparky and Guests. |
Contact: |
631-969-9700 |
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