Title: |
The Second-Annual Great Clovis Point Chili Cookoff |
Sub Title: |
at the Clovis Point Wines in Jamesport, Long Island, New York |
Date: |
March 23, 2013 |
Time: |
1:00 PM to 4:00 PM
Admission: | Admission: $25.00 per person includes a taste of each competitor's chili and a glass of one of Clovis Point's award-winning wines. |
Location: |
Clovis Point Wines |
Street Address: |
1935 Main Road |
Jamesport, NY 11947 |
Description: |
The Second-Annual Great Clovis Point Chili Cook-off at the Clovis Point Wines in Jamesport, Long Island, New York.
Join amateur and professional chefs, including Food Network alum Lia Fallon, as they compete to see whose chili whether it's beef, pork, duck, venison, veggie or some combination of the above–wins this year's prize. Net proceeds benefit Group for the East End.
Tasting and judging. |
Contact: |
631-722-4222 |
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