Title: |
Simon Malls Kidgit's Chidlren's Fitness Fun Event at Smith Haven Mall |
Sub Title: |
at Smith Haven Mall in Lake Grove, Long Island, New York |
Date: |
September 21, 2013 |
Time: |
1:00 PM to 3:00 PM
Location: |
Smith Haven Mall |
Street Address: |
313 Smith Haven Mall |
Lake Grove, NY 11755 |
Description: |
Simon Malls Kidgit's Chidlren's Fitness Fun Event at Smith Haven Mall in Lake Grove, Long Island, New York.
Get ready for an afternoon of Fitness Fun in the Center Court of the Smith Haven Mall on Saturday September 21, 2013. There will be martial arts instructors, dance teachers and personal trainers to give kids healthy tips. Best of all, kids can make their own water bottle holders. |
Contact: |
631-724-8066 |
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