Title: |
Pop-up Puppet Theater Workshop Summer Program at Long Island Children's Museum |
Sub Title: |
at Long Island Children's Museum in Garden City, Long Island, New York |
Date: |
July 8, 2013 - July 9, 2013 |
Time: |
3:00 PM to 3:45 PM
Admission: | Admission: Fee: $5.00 per child with museum admission ($4.00 for LICM members). Ages: 7 and up. |
Location: |
Long Island Children's Museum |
Street Address: |
11 Davis Avenue |
Garden City, NY 11530 |
Description: |
Pop-up Puppet Theater Workshop Summer Program at Long Island Children's Museum in Garden City, Long Island, New York.
Join Puppetkabob after the performance where children will color and assemble a specially designed Pop-up Puppet Theater. This project will transport children back in time to tell the story of "Snowflake" Bentley, pioneer of snowflake photography! This project is inspired by the show "The Snowflake Man", which combines pop-up book art with Czech-style marionette, now showing in the LICM Theater.
About Long Island Children's Museum
Long Island Children's Museum invites visitors of all ages, backgrounds, and abilities to explore freely, discover their passions, and appreciate the communities and world we share.
The Long Island Children's Museum is home to 14 hands-on, interactive exhibit galleries, a 145-seat state-of-the-art theater and three classroom-size learning studios. Indoor and outdoor gallery spaces are interdisciplinary, age-appropriate, and inter-generational, fostering both independent and cooperative exploration, and encouraging concept development and skills building. Ages: 7 and up. |
Contact: |
516-224-5800 |
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