Title: |
Children's Magic Workshop Tuesdays 8 Sessions - Town of Hempstead Event |
Sub Title: |
at the Speno Park, East Meadow, Long Island, New York |
Date: |
March 5, 2013 - April 30, 2013 |
Time: |
6:00 PM to 7:00 PM
Admission: | Admission: $35.00 material fee to be paid at first class session. |
Location: |
Speno Park |
Street Address: |
875 E Meadow Avenue |
East Meadow, NY 11554 |
Description: |
Children's Magic Workshop Tuesdays March 5 - April 30, 2013 - Town of Hempstead Event at the Speno Park, East Meadow, Long Island, New York. 8 sessions, no class on March 26, 2013. Ages 8-12, 20 person limit.
Children love magic and here's a great opportunity for boys and girls to learn some "tricks" of the trade.de. Talented magician and popular child entertainer Jim McClenahan has some spell-binding tricks up his sleeve for youngsters to learn. Fun-filled, hocus pocus that will captivate and charm all participants. There is a $35.00 material fee due the first day of class. |
Contact: |
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