Title: |
Motmots for Breakfast: Birding in Costa Rica with Donna Schulman and Ian Resnick |
Sub Title: |
Presented by the Huntington-Oyster Bay Audubon at the Cold Spring Harbor Library |
Date: |
January 12, 2013 |
Time: |
2:00 PM
Admission: | All meetings are free and open to the public. |
Location: |
Cold Spring Harbor Library |
Street Address: |
95 Harbor Road (Route 25A) |
Cold Spring Harbor, NY |
Description: |
Motmots for Breakfast: Birding in Costa Rica with Donna Schulman and Ian Resnick presented by the Huntington-Oyster Bay Audubon at the Cold Spring Harbor Library, Long Island, New York.
Costa Rica has the greatest density of bird species of any continental American country: 893 species sighted in an area smaller than West Virginia. Many birders have been there, most birders have it on their bucket list. Ian and Donna will be sharing tales and photographs of their adventures, from the hummingbird vistas of Rancho Naturalista to the Caribbean lowlands of La Selva to the Cloud Forest Preserve of Monteverde. Sightings of Motmots, Trogons, Sabrewings and a rare Ground-dove did not stop them from also photographing (or trying to photograph) every butterfly, dragonfly, and lizard that came their way. If you’ve been to Costa Rica, come relive the fun. If you haven’t, this is an opportunity to do some armchair traveling (or folding-chair traveling), and get the inspiration you need to start planning your own trip.
For Donna Schulman, birding and photography combine the joys of life—nature, travel, taxonomy, and opportunities to meet people all over the world. Donna is a former editor of News and Notes, the Queens County Bird Club newsletter, a volunteer with the Sandy Hook Bird Observatory (NJ Audubon), and is the Book Review beat writer for the popular birding blog, 10,000 Birds (http://10000birds.com). She also has a day job as director of the Carey Library, Rutgers University. Her photographs have been cited by the Cornell Laboratory of Ornithology and are used by NJ Audubon staff for educational presentations.
Ian Resnick has been birding for 25 years, becoming hooked upon watching a Rose-breasted Grosbeak singing from its nest at Ward Pound Ridge, Westchester. Ian joined the Queens County Bird Club in 1990 and has been an officer (treasurer or president) since 1992. Ian leads many QCBC field trips, plus beginning birder trips for Alley Pond Environmental Center. He has birded much of the US, parts of Canada, and Central and South America, most recently the Galapagos Islands. His travels to the southern hemisphere have included volunteer work with Earthwatch involving sea turtles, parrots and other wildlife. He has been to Costa Rica four times, and insists that he has not seen every bird in that country. |
Contact: |
516-695-0763 |
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