Title: |
The Fantastic and Fabulous Fox: Story Time, Craft and Outdoor Ramble for Children |
Sub Title: |
Presented by the Huntington-Oyster Bay Audubon at the Cold Spring Harbor Library |
Date: |
January 5, 2013 |
Time: |
10:00 AM
Location: |
Cold Spring Harbor Library |
Street Address: |
95 Harbor Road (Route 25A) |
Cold Spring Harbor, NY |
Description: |
The Fantastic and Fabulous Fox: Story Time, Craft and Outdoor Ramble for Children presented by the Huntington-Oyster Bay Audubon at the Cold Spring Harbor Library, Long Island, New York.
Today we will read from the book "Fox" by Kate Banks. Through this book, we will journey deep into the woods and accompany a baby fox who will grow up before our very eyes, and head out into the forest on his own. After the story we will turn crafty, and create paper bag fox puppets. While the glue is drying, we will wander outside (remember to bring clothes that are weather appropriate) to enjoy the crisp cold air and see what we shall see.
Group size limited to 20. For ages three to six. No unregistered siblings please. Call 516-695-0763 to register. Location: Cold Spring Harbor Library, 95 Harbor Road, Cold Spring Harbor. Right next door to Cold Spring Harbor State Park. Meet in the third floor story room. |
Contact: |
516-695-0763 |
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