Title: |
Summer Adventure Days - Children's Camp - Shark Bait (Ages 3-4) |
Sub Title: |
Presented by The Long Island Aquarium and Exhibition Center |
Date: |
June 25, 2012 - June 26, 2012 |
Time: |
9:00 AM to 12:00 PM
Admission: | $75.00 for non-members; $60.00 for members includes parent/guardian |
Location: |
Long Island Aquarium and Exhibition Center |
Street Address: |
431 East Main Street |
Riverhead, NY 11901 |
Description: |
Our Summer Adventure Days add interactive excitement to summer vacation. Separate programs provide age-appropriate learning and activities for children ages 2-14.
Shark Bait (Ages 3-4)
Budding marine scientists will investigate the Aquarium by using all five senses to learn about our animals. Be ready to get wet while romping through our Interactive Salt Marsh. Craft and snack each day. |
Contact: |
631-208-9200 |
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