Title: |
John Michael Marino Lodge Foundation Scholarship and Charity Dinner Dance |
Sub Title: |
at Leonard's Palazzo 555 in Great Neck, Long Island, New York |
Date: |
October 24, 2013 |
Time: |
7:00 PM
Location: |
Leonard's Palazzo 555 |
Street Address: |
555 Northern Boulevard |
Great Neck, NY 11021 |
Description: |
John Michael Marino Lodge Foundation Scholarship and Charity Dinner Dance at Leonard's Palazzo 555 in Great Neck, Long Island, New York.
About John Michael Marino Lodge #1389
The Sons of Italy
The OSIA is an important fraternal and philanthropic society started in 1905 by Dr. Vincenzo Sellaro in New York City's famed "Little Italy" district. The original name of the organization was "L'Ordine Figli d'Italia". |
Contact: |
516-883-4266 |
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