Title: |
Real Estate Career Breakfast hosted by Agawam Town and Village Realty |
Sub Title: |
Invest in your future! |
Date: |
June 21, 2013 |
Time: |
8:00 AM to 9:30 AM
Location: |
Agawam Town and Village Realty |
Street Address: |
55 Hill Street |
Southampton, NY 11968 |
Description: |
Invest in your future and join us for a Real Estate Career Breakfast on Friday, June 21st, 8am-9:30AM at Agawam Town and Village Realty located at 55 Hill Street, Southampton, NY.
Refreshments will be served. Your successful real estate career begins with Agawam Town and Village Realty. RSVP to Vicki at 631-377-3929 or Vicki@townvillagerealty.com by 6/19. |
Contact: |
631-377-3929 |
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