Title: |
Pet Fest - Celebrating Pets Fun Event on Long Island New York |
Sub Title: |
at the Bridgehampton Historical Society Museum in Bridgehampton,Long Island, New York |
Date: |
June 29, 2013 |
Time: |
10:00 AM to 4:00 PM
Location: |
Bridgehampton Historical Society Museum |
Street Address: |
368 Montauk Highway |
Bridgehampton, NY 11932 |
Description: |
Pet Fest - Celebrating Pets Fun Event on Long Island New York at the Bridgehampton Historical Society Museum in Bridgehampton,Long Island, New York.
Join us for all the fun, everyone is welcome. Bring your dog and kids are free. Enjoy costume contest, live entertainment, pet parade, exhibits, food, pet adoptions, pet acts and prizes. volunteer, advertise in the pet resource book, and be a sponsor. 30 animal welfare organizations, including the national ASPCA had exhibits at last year's PetFest. Sign up early reserve your exhibit space. Our mission is to prolong and enhance the quality of animal lives by educating our communities about animal concerns and to raise funds for animal related causes and organizations. PetFest Fun Celebrating Pets. |
Contact: |
631-237-1365 |
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