Title: |
The Tiger with Peter Clyne, PhD |
Sub Title: |
Presented by the Huntington-Oyster Bay Audubon at the Cold Spring Harbor Library |
Date: |
May 8, 2013 |
Time: |
7:00 PM
Admission: | All meetings are free and open to the public. |
Location: |
Cold Spring Harbor Library |
Street Address: |
95 Harbor Road (Route 25A) |
Cold Spring Harbor, NY |
Description: |
The Tiger with Peter Clyne, PhD presented by the Huntington-Oyster Bay Audubon at the Cold Spring Harbor Library, Long Island, New York.
Wild tigers are down to a historic low of 3,200 compared to 100,000 at the beginning of the 20th century. These 3,200 are now found in scattered fragments across tropical Asia and Russia. Of these fragments, only 42 of them are large enough to hold viable populations of tigers (defined as enough land to hold at least 25 breeding female tigers). Called Source Sites, these 42 fragments hold 60% of the remaining 3,200 tigers. These Source Sites are the last realistic hope for wild tigers. But although it may sound bleak, the reality for tigers in most of these Source Sites is considerably more optimistic provided high-quality protection is given to them. WCS has 300 staff on the ground in 25 of these Source Sites (in Indonesia, Malaysia, Thailand, Laos, Myanmar, India and Russia), working with local governments and local communities to give high-quality protection 25 of these last 42 Source Sites.
Join us tonight as Dr. Clyne discusses the specifics of these tiger conservation efforts in these 25 Source Sites.
Dr. Peter Clyne is an Assistant Director in the Wildlife Conservation Society's Asia Program. Dr. Clyne's hippie parents took him to rural India when he was 11 to live in an ashram. During his teens, he shuttled back and forth between India and the U.S., where he fell in love with southern Asia. His undergraduate degree is in South Asia regional studies. After college Clyne worked for an NGO teaching Hindi literacy to illiterate adults living in village India. After returning to the states, he decided to pursue a higher degree in biology. His PhD is in molecular neuroscience (on the sense of smell and taste) from Yale, and he did a post‐doc in neuroscience (on synaptic architecture) at the University of California‐ San Francisco. An avid birdwatcher, Dr. Clyne joined WCS five years ago, working on conservation efforts in India, Myanmar, Thailand, Laos, Vietnam, Cambodia, Malaysia, and Indonesia. |
Contact: |
516-695-0763 |
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