Title: |
Puppy Love Prance Benefit Fundraiser for The Southampton Animal Shelter Foundation |
Sub Title: |
at 230 Elm in Southampton, Long Island, New York |
Date: |
January 26, 2013 |
Time: |
6:30 PM
Admission: | Admission: $50.00 per person includes buffet. |
Location: |
230 Elm |
Street Address: |
230 Elm Street |
Southampton, NY 11968 |
Description: |
Puppy Love Prance Benefit Fundraiser for The Southampton Animal Shelter Foundation at 230 Elm in Southampton, Long Island, New York.
Come on down ya all and enjoy a night of dancing and hoedown fun. Music by Dave Harvey with The Barnburners. Attire: Festive Western (please leave the horse home). |
Contact: |
631-728-7387 |
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